Update #6 - Where I emerge blinking from a summer of chaos and try to catch you up on 5 months of stuff without completely overwhelming you
This is where I share what I’ve been up to behind the scenes to move my art career forward - the good, the bad, and the as-yet-to-be-determined.
Well, well, well. I seem to have inadvertently left you hanging for a little while there, eh? Sorry about that. Apparently moving house is a hell of a lot more taxing than I remember it being. Also, I’ve been so busy DOING things, I’ve not had much of a chance to document them as I went along.
Anyway, we’re now in October, which is apparently the new September, and as such I am back at my desk and capable of communicating with other humans on the internet again. Hurrah!
Now I shall attempt to get you mostly up to speed without this turning into an essay of epic proportions:
The last five months’ Roses, Buds, & Thorns
The Rose is something that went well, the Thorn is something that didn’t go so well or is challenging, and the Bud is something that is still percolating…
The absolute Rosiest thing ever is of course my beautiful new art studio - for the first time in my life I finally have a dedicated space to create and it is bloody spectacular! (Pop over to my Instagram and check out my ‘Studio AM’ highlight to see how I’ve been using the space). I’ve also been having people over for studio visits which has been amazing - let me know if you’re ever in Copenhagen and want to come and hang out!
Also Rosy is that I spent much of August applying to a gazillion opportunities - competitions, exhibitions, magazine features etc etc and I’ve been lucky enough to have been accepted to several! I’ll share more about that soon, but my top pick so far is being chosen for the What Remains group show by Visionary Art Collective. Big win!
Finally, I had an amazing show at Ricco’s (see my previous post) and ended up selling four pieces of the 13 I had on show - score! And my work is currently on show at another cafe - Anew in Valby (see below):
I have my first solo show at Art Escapes Studio coming up in November with a whole selection of brand new work. I’ll do a dedicated post just for that one, I think, but if you’re super curious you can find more info here.
I’m still waiting for the results of many of the opportunities I applied to over the summer - and I have my fingers firmly crossed for those.
I’m putting together a secret project for the end of the year which I’m a) super excited about, and b) hope I’ll be able to pull off in time. Watch this space for more!
I’ve been struggling with a whole pile of shitty health stuff for the last few months, which has really stopped me from going as fast as I would like and really pushed me in terms of learning how to be patient and how to rest and how to accept help.
Stupid personal growth.
Feeling much better now, though. Autumn always seems to give me a boost of energy so I am leaning into that and surfing the wave. Whoosh!
I’ve also been feeling a bit thorny about losing momentum with my online adventures, although my impetus for that seems to have returned as well. Thankfully.
I actually think I managed that quite succinctly. Although I probably missed out a whole bunch of stuff 🤣. I’m recommitting to this space now, so I’ll be back in a couple of weeks with the next exciting episode. If you don’t want to miss that post do make sure you’re subscribed.