Update #4 - Where I find not one but two incredible opportunities to apply for, and complete a new installation piece

Update #4 - Where I find not one but two incredible opportunities to apply for, and complete a new installation piece

This is where I share what I’ve been up to behind the scenes to move my art career forward - the good, the bad, and the as-yet-to-be-determined. 

I’ve spent most of the week working hard on making actual ART! I’ve had this installation piece knocking around half-finished for AGES, but now I’m in the Collective and need to get everything ready for my artist website I finally got around to finishing it, and it looks GORGEOUS!!

This week’s Rose, Bud, & Thorn

The Rose is something that went well, the Thorn is something that didn’t go so well or is challenging, and the Bud is something that is still percolating…


Obviously, finishing the installation piece (entitled Not Your Vessel) was a big plus, and really spurred me on to look around my tiny studio and get on top of any other lingering jobs, so I managed to get a few additional pieces finished too and uploaded to not only my Artwork Archive*, but also the Collective’s one too - especially important as the Collective is sending out catalogues next week!


I found two very exciting local opportunities to apply for which have my name all over them:

The first is through IMMART, an organisation which helps immigrants navigate the cultural and artistic landscape of Denmark. It’s actually run by a friend of the woman who runs my Collective. Anyway, the opportunity is part of an upcoming festival called Artival, and is a group show in the Bornholm branch of a Copenhagen gallery. The theme is RE-Connect, and I have a collage piece I’m working on which would be perfect!

The second is a residency here in Copenhagen, through an organisation called Art Hub. It’s for the Autumn and involves getting studio space for three months, mentorship, as well as a monthly stipend and materials fee. Definitely worth an application!


I fucking hate gold leaf.

See you next week!

*This is an affiliate link - that means if you join up using this link I get a little kick back, but it doesn’t cost you any extra.

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