Update #9 - Where I launch a YouTube channel, apply for some Open Calls, and officially shut down my old business
This is where I share what I’ve been up to behind the scenes to move my art career forward - the good, the bad, and the as-yet-to-be-determined.
This month has been so exciting! February has seen the launch (and almost launch) of two new projects - my YouTube channel and my Patreon (the Patreon will be ready tomorrow!) which I am having so much fun with, as well as the official letting go of my old business, Eli Trier Communities. With every month that goes by this dream of mine to be a full time, professional artist becomes more and more solid, and I’m just having the most wonderful time with all of it.
February’s Rose, Bud, & Thorn
The Rose is something that went well, the Thorn is something that didn’t go so well or is challenging, and the Bud is something that is still percolating…
I officially said goodbye to Eli Trier Communities this month, taking down the website and social media accounts, and sending my last newsletter. It was a bittersweet moment, but I’ve been surprised and honoured by just how many of the people who followed me there have chosen to come with me on this new adventure. After more than a year of planning and experimenting and trying things out, I am now officially a full time artist. I do still have a way to go before my income catches up, but I’m feeling pretty good about that, and I don’t think it will take very long.
My favourite thing to happen this month was the launch of my YouTube channel - my first video did really well, and my second is out in a couple of hours (at time of writing). I’m so happy and excited about this platform - I had no idea I would fall so hard for film making, but I love it!
Also, making me feel rosy is the fact that I’ve been feeling those creative tugs on my hair again. I’ve been doing a lot of painting in my sketchbook over the last week or so (see the boat above), and I feel like my mojo is returning. Bring on the PAINT!
Apart from eagerly watching the growth of my YouTube channel, and getting ready to send my little Patreon baby out into the world, I also managed to apply to several open calls this month. This isn’t something I do all the time, but there were a few that caught my eye all around the same time, and one in particular that I would LOVE to be chosen for. I won’t say what it is in case I jinx it, but please cross everything for me and I’ll let you know how it pans out.
I also filmed the whole process for my Patreon, so if you’ve ever wondered where to find open calls, or how to vet opportunities, or keep track of the whole process, then you won’t want to miss that!
Related to that, I’ve had the happy realisation that committing to recording my process/progress for both the Patreon and the YouTube is actually hugely beneficial for me, and gets me to actually do things I might otherwise have avoided. The open calls is a great example of this - I’d left it to the day before the deadline, I was exhausted and had had some emotional stuff happening so I was not in the right headspace at all. BUT, I’d promised to make a Patreon video about submitting to open calls, so I just did it, and now my submissions are done, I’m in the running for some cool shit, AND I have a really useful video to share with my Patrons. Win win win win win 😊.
I actually don’t have a thorn this month, which is marvellous. I did get rejected for a gallery open call I applied for in Sweden, but other than that I’ve been feeling really happy and energetic and well-resourced. Fingers crossed I don’t crash next month - I’m being careful and keeping an eye on my energy levels as well as my capacity optimism, so hopefully it won’t happen.
Overall, February has been a fantastic month!