The Flourishing


This collection is particularly special to me, as it represents a period of immense personal growth following my escape from an abusive relationship. Leaving not only the man, but also my home country, was a decision that took great courage and left me feeling reckless and liberated all at once.

I arrived in Copenhagen in the summer of 2015, and the subsequent phase of my life was a period of great self-discovery, where I embraced new experiences with an open heart and mind.

And when I say new experiences I mean, of course, having a mad affair with a Nicaraguan poet, drinking way too much Tuborg, and hanging out in smoky bars with boys. It felt like being a teenager all over again.

I was in a new city, where no one knew me, and I got to experience the heady thrill of being whoever I wanted to be free from the constraints of home. It was a magical time, and I felt light-footed, open, creative and playful.

Technically I was on holiday, but two weeks stretched into two months, and before long I realised that I was feeling right at home. Then I met the man who would become my husband, and my fate was sealed.

These paintings, with their bold and vibrant color palettes and handfuls of glitter, are a reflection of the joy and passion I felt as I reconnected with myself, emerged from the darkness of my past and ultimately found love again. Each work is named after a significant location in Copenhagen, using the what3words navigational system, which adds another layer of depth and meaning to the collection.

The Flourishing collection is a tribute to anyone who has ever felt that there must be more to life than their current circumstances. It is a juicy invitation to seize life by the balls and explore its many facets with an open heart and fearless spirit. I hope that it will inspire others to pursue what makes them come alive in order to have their own ‘flourishing’ experience.

Most of all, I hope they bring you as much joy as they bring me.