Not Your Vessel
Not Your Vessel is an installation piece that takes vessels of utility - planters, teapots, vases, pen pots - and transforms them into glowing reminders of our own wholeness.
Women spend their whole lives being filled up by other people’s expectations of us. We’re constantly judging each other and projecting our insecurities onto each other, and managing the weight of everyone else’s judgements and insecurities as well.
Not to mention the million tiny ‘shoulds’ we’re told we’re failing at and societal norms we’re struggling to conform to. We are constantly made to feel like we’re no good - too much, too loud, too fat, too slutty, not nice enough, not helpful enough, too aggressive, not assertive enough.
Unchecked, our value becomes wholly defined by what we can do for others, or how well we perform the roles we’ve been cast in, and we become receptacles for an avalanche of confusion and self-loathing that isn’t ours.
Not Your Vessel is a reminder. A glorious, glowing, golden reminder to let it all go. That each and every one of us is so much more.
By taking these humble, utilitarian receptacles and elevating them into works of art, their purpose is changed. They are no longer ‘useful pots to put things in’, they are whole - complete and perfect in their own right. They are not ‘for’ anything, they just are. As we should be. Valuable and worthy, not because we are useful, but just because we are.
Grouped together, these not-pots are reminiscent of a choir. Each is individually beautiful, but in combination the effect is transcendental.